Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I feel the need to make a sign.

I started blogging because I really like to cook and share recipes.  Recently, I have been sidetracked by the new addition to our family.  Abby is a stinkin' cute golden doodle and she is a smart dog.  We have had/trained a fair amount of dogs in our 36 years of marriage.  We are pretty smart humans but this puppy's house breaking is kicking our butts!  I do not get much done except tending to the dog.

However, yesterday we had our first accident free day!!!  YIPEEE!
Blessedly we seem to have had a breakthrough. If you are familiar with  military installations they almost always have a sign that says how many days the base has gone without an accident....much like the ones I would think you would see in industrial settings. So, I think we may be able to make THIS sign instead of the Ooops I was considering.

I am certain we will have setbacks, but looking at this face every day makes it worthwhile.

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