Friday, January 20, 2012

I really need to "vent"

Okay....I reserve the right to add to this list of things that make me crazy..but today I was out and about and there were some driving/car issues....I really need to vent.

#1.  If you drive a big honkin' SUV (in today's case an infinity) Locate the skinny pedal.....AND USE IT. If you are trying to get better gas mileage drive a smartcar. PLEASE.

#2. If you are a man driving a big bubba truck and insist on backing it in to a parking space, DO IT IN ONE PASS.  If you can't,  just pull it in forward. It is just embarrassing.  Or give me the keys and I will do it. PLEASE.

#3. DO NOT text and drive. You cannot multi-task, really you can't. You also must be dumber than a box of hammers because you have not seen all the public service ads that TELL you you are putting yourself and others at risk. PLEASE put the phone away.

There may be more rules but I certainly feel better now that I have vented.

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