Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ms. Terry (not me)...YOU ROCK!

I was just on FB (I have a small little addiction) and read a post from the youngest.  She is a teacher in Florida and presently teaches gifted children from her school and 3 others and also spends part of her day with the at risk kids from her school.

Her post: :   "So far today:  I boarded the bus to regulate 60+ kids bus behavior, covered for a teacher whose substitute was late, removed students from a class who were fist fighting, helped process 2 referrals, counseled a student who was being bullied, ran to the library because we are one librarian down and pushed into a reading class to assist students. Yeah, you are right "teachers" totally get paid enough. Ps. My coffee is on my desk. Cold."

I always hesitate to to brag on my kids.  But I am so proud of the women they have become. I wish I could take the credit.  I parented by the seat of my pants with the most supportive husband you could ask for. He is the best father I could have ever wished for. Both the Big man and I had single parents who set an amazing example of what a parent should be and then they were wonderful as grand parents.

The girls are kind, happy, healthy, well adjusted, productive human beings.....I am blessed.

By blogging today I really just wanted the youngest to know...Ms. Terry YOU ROCK!

Much Love......Momma

And "MY" PS.....I think you did learn the discipline "thang" from me...oxoxxxox

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