Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baptism by Fire

I don't think I can say I LOVE to cook...but I really do enjoy cooking for my family and friends.  When I was a newlywed (that was so far back I like to say it was before there was dirt) it was kinda baptism by fire.  Millington TN was our first duty station.  Michael was a student and he found our rental house in Atoka TN across the street from one of his classmates.  At the wise old age of 19 I was playing house and I did not have a clue.  I got up every morning, picked up the "entire" house and mopped my way to the sink and stove (true story) and made a home cooked breakfast.  Well, one weekend morning I made pancakes..from scratch.  After breakfast Michael walked across the street and was talking to his buddy Ken(pictured above). Later, I wandered over and just happened to overhear the part of their conversation where my beloved referred to my Pancakes as GUT BOMBS. I was making them many times a month...in the same sentence he said.."they are killin' me"  Bless his little heart, he did  not tell me because he did not want to hurt my feelings!
Breakfast is not my favorite meal to cook..Michael makes breakfast every Sunday. But I did get waaaay better.  I also discovered Bisquick..another "don't reinvent the wheel" tip. My Bisqick pancakes are excellent..no more gut bombs!

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