Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Defending West Virginia

Because today is the birthday of West Virginia I am defending her honor. My renewed passion for blogging came on the heels of being severely chastised for something I posted months ago. Bring it. I am a tough cookie but LEAVE MY NEW HOME STATE ALONE.

I was born and raised in New Jersey (insert New Joisey joke here) so I am more than a little familiar with state bashing. In November of 2010 we had to make a quick move to West Virginia. I thought the Jersey jokes were bad.....sigh.

Here is what you may not know about WV: It is beautiful, full of farms and most important chock full of some of the nicest, kindest,  most polite people I have ever met. They are so polite that a four way stop sign can be a challenge. They so so nice that hardly anyone ever leaves their shopping cart loose in the parking lot...even in Wal Mart. They are so kind that you can feel the tolerance for the less fortunate.

I also find it very interesting that people here in the Eastern Panhandle know a lot about Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. I can't say the same about folks from DC. When you say you are from WV, the "big city folks" usually look at you like you are from Mars...and I doubt they ever get out to "these her parts".  I can always tell when I get close to the District. Driving becomes aggressive and impatient. They should come out to the country now and again. It is good for the soul. Stop at one of the produce stands, take in a little civil war history, have a great meal that doesn't cost and arm and a leg, enjoy God's handiwork. The mountains and rivers are breathtaking!

                                                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEST VIRGINIA

Monday, June 18, 2012

Inspiration comes in many forms!

I have been out of touch  blog for a while now. Every time I would sit down and start to post something,  my attention would fade or I just was not "feelin it".

It is strange what inspires and/or motivates a person. I had a "when God closes a door, he opens a window moment"  this morning. I blog to amuse myself and I have only a handful of people who "follow" me although I know by the Facebook comments many of my friends read my blog....especially if it is a recipe/food/dinner idea. I do have a lot of things on my mind that I would like to write about and goodness knows, I have the time!!!

There was a response yesterday to a post I wrote almost five months ago. The response came from a person who was connected to a person named in my January post. (is that as clear as mud???) Now, the people named were not tagged so somebody had to google to find the post....that just cracked me up. Apparently, little ol' me in the Eastern Panhandle of WV is not the only person who has too much time on their hands!

So, I am re-energized and ready to blog if you find my posts entertaining, that is great. If you do can let me know. After 37 years as a Navy wife with 8 deployments under my belt, taking care of three terminally ill relatives, raising two girls through their teen years, making 9 major moves...I am one tough cookie. I can take it....

To my handful of followers...I love you for true....
To my closet readers...I love you all too....

Stayed tuned.