Monday, June 27, 2011

Some things don't need to be "new and improved"

Every family has their favorite dishes and I would bet that most of them are comfort foods.  Having the good (or maybe bad) fortune to come from a family of good  excellent cooks there are a lot of favorites to choose from. Bread pudding and Rice pudding are our family favorites.  It may have something to do with the fact that they are calm and predictable...and yummy! This recipe is easy and cheap to make, travels well and can be eaten warm or cold.  It doesn't get any better than that!

6 slices of white bread toasted and buttered
6 eggs
1 quart of whole milk
"some" fresh ground nutmeg (personal choice of how much)
3/4 C sugar (I only use 1/2C)
1 t vanilla
1/2 t salt

Beat eggs, add milkm numeg, sugar,vanilla and salt

Pour over pulled apart bead  that was placed in a greased (Pam)  8X11 casserole dish

Bake 1 hour at 325.  Test by inserting knife in center

Put raisins in 1/2 hours before finishined (optional)  WELL drained pineapple (8 oz. crushed) can also be added to the milk mixture